You Are Excellent
“You Are Excellent” builds up the sense of self-worth and confidence for children from ages 8-12 years. Your child will be enjoying a magical journey of adventure and fun, while receiving the positive mental training…
“You Are Excellent”
will give your child:
More joy
More peace and harmony
More ease in falling asleep
A greater sense of self-esteem and confidence
A greater sense of being loved and wanted
“You Are Excellent” is for children from around 8 to 12 years old. Each child will have the experience of fun and enchanting adventure stories; however it is also positive mental training, which is reinforcing your child's sense of self-esteem, and giving a sense of being able to dare to do what you want you to do. “You Are Excellent” was written around 30 years ago after the many requests by parents who had felt the wonderful success of the original stories written for the younger child.
Ever since it has been used to help prevent bullying, hyperactivity, poor performance anxiety, learning difficulties, dyslexia, stuttering, a low sense of self-esteem as a result of ADHD, and much more. But first and foremost it is often used for children with the challenges posed by the ordinary daily life.
Can self-esteem and self-confidence really be taught?
Many of the things we are able to do as adults, we have learned when we were children by the process of repetition. This is how we learned to walk, how to set the table, how to ride our bike, and tie our shoe laces, etc. Now it all happens automatically: After "we" came "are" as we learned grammar in our English class. Simple things like that now happen all by themselves.
This is precisely the same way that a child’s sense of self-confidence and self-esteem is strengthened.
These Downloads strengthen your child’s self-esteem and confidence by telling stories that they will listen to over and over again. Normally, children in this age group don’t have the desire to hear the same story again. Therefore, we have added fun and challenging tasks that need to be solved each time in a new way, each time the child hear the story. Your child will enjoy listening to the story again and again.
The child becomes the protagonist of the story and keeps getting these messages reinforced: You are special, you're good enough, you are loved, etc. as an integrated part of the story – “You Are Excellent”
Positive side effects: Healthy children become healthy adults.
Duration - “You Are Excellent”
Part 1: The Diamond 24:24 (both day and bedtime story)
Part 2: The Jungle 26:13 (both day and bedtime story)
Written by Carsten Sommerskov
Narrated by Deborah Mathews
Music by Kenneth Plon
PS. Grandparents will also enjoy giving these Downloads to their grandchildren