Unique self-esteem training MP3's for children 3 - 12 years.
Help your child raise self-esteem and boost self-confidence in the process.
Low self-esteem:
Feelings like: "I’m not what they want me to be", "Something is wrong with me", "I don’t fit in", "I am not being loved" are all negative feelings that are the result of not experiencing any appreciation. Those kinds of feelings, when repeated often enough, wear down on your child's self-esteem. A low self-esteem can ultimately result in doubt, anxiety, worry, abuse, inability to say "no" and much more.
High self-esteem:
As your children enjoys the great stories, self-esteem is strengthened though a unique combination of words, repetition and music. The stories prepares your child’s mind to feel stronger self-esteem and greater self-worth. Automatically! - This time tested approach is true self-esteem and confidence building for kids.
Because the essential part of the story is praising your child over and over again, your child will develop feelings such as "I am loved", "I am perfect just the way I am", "I am good enough", "other people like me", etc. These feelings will grow stronger each day because your child will hear the stories repeatedly. Younger children love hearing the same story over and over again. The older children will be part of the built-in challenges in the stories, and since these challenges need different solutions each time the story is told, the older children are also eager to hear the stories again and again.
This "Self-esteem Training" happens in 2 ways: One that can be used as a bedtime story, while the other can to be listened to during the daytime.
The positive effects of the self-esteem building stories will continue to work on a sub-conscious level after your child is asleep. Not only will your children improve the feeling of self-esteem and confidence day by day, your children will now look forward to bedtime, just because they want to listen to their new bedtime stories. Again and again.
Happy Family - package
The gift for your children that lasts the rest of their lives. Strengthen self-esteem and self-confidence. Both as day and goodnight editions in one product. Joy, self-esteem and self-confidence that just works
Fra$34.95 -
You Are Excellent - Package
You will receive both " You Are Excellent " and "Yes You Can!" plus receive an additional download for free: "Success In School”.
Fra$19.95 -
You are perfect - package
Think positive. Create joy, satisfaction, self-esteem, confidence and positive thinking for your child through positive mental training.
Fra$19.95 -
Yes You Can
"Yes You Can" are for children from around 8 to 12 years old. The child gets the experience of a magical adventure story, however…
Fra$14.95 -
You Are Excellent
“You Are Excellent” builds up the sense of self-worth and confidence for children from ages 8-12 years. Your child will be enjoying a magical journey of adventure and fun, while receiving the positive mental training…
Fra$14.95 -
You are perfect
"You are perfect” Positive Mental Training for the younger child. Give your child a happy and positive experience while building the foundation for a lasting sense of satisfaction and joy. Help your child to learn to think positively from the start.
Fra$14.95 -
You are great!
"You are great!” is for children from around 3 to 7 years old. Your child will be listening to some fun enchanting stories; while at the same time, a mental training will be strengthening your child’s sense of self-confidence, self-esteem and the feeling of being loved.