Bedtime Issues Resolved
"You are wonderful", "You are clever", "You are special", "You are loved" ... These are the last things your child will hear while before heading off to dreamland. These streamings and downloads makes sure that your child falls asleep in the most wonderfull way.
Who would not love to fall asleep to praise. Hear yourself saying "Bedtime." And hear "Ok, but only if you’ll let me listen to one of the stories." Not only does your child fall asleep more easily and willingly, but your child also strengthens self-esteem and confidence during sleep.
Bedtime issues
Most parents are painfully familiar with the frustrations, problems and issues of establishing a healthy bedtime routine. Some children go to bed but then won’t stay there. Others flat out refuse to even go near the bed and some are excellent in stalling.
"Mom, why can’t I play a little longer?"
"Mom, can I sleep in your bed tonight?"
"Mom, there’s a monster under my bed"
"Mom, why can’t I stay up a little longer?"
You’ll experience:
A well-rested child
An easy and fun bedtime routine
More time for yourself in the evening
You can't force your child to go to sleep. But what if you can change the bedtime behavior into a positive experience? Just like any other routine the activity of going to bed has to be learned. The number one advice by pediatricians and child psychologists around bedtime issues is to establish a regular and relaxing bedtime routine. These streaming's and downloads will help you to do that.
No more bedtime issues.
Children love these streamings because they are actively involved in the stories. As the successful main character in a story they receive all the praise and encouragement worthy of a "best actor". This positive feedback will naturally boost the child's self-esteem, raise self-confidence and improve self-image.
Fantastic streamings with amazing results
The streaming and downloads include both daytime and bedtime stories.The stories are told in a soothing voice with accompanying quiet and calming background music. We hear time and again from parents that their children look forward to going to bed so they can listen to one of the stories. You will soon discover a change in your child's sleeping habits. After having listened to these stories once, your child will be eager to go to bed next time, just to be able to hear the story again ... and again.
PS. Many children ask to go to bed even before bedtime so they can fall asleep listening to their favorite story.
Happy Family - package
The gift for your children that lasts the rest of their lives. Strengthen self-esteem and self-confidence. Both as day and goodnight editions in one product. Joy, self-esteem and self-confidence that just works
Fra$34.95 -
You Are Excellent - Package
You will receive both " You Are Excellent " and "Yes You Can!" plus receive an additional download for free: "Success In School”.
Fra$19.95 -
You are perfect - package
Think positive. Create joy, satisfaction, self-esteem, confidence and positive thinking for your child through positive mental training.
Fra$19.95 -
Yes You Can
"Yes You Can" are for children from around 8 to 12 years old. The child gets the experience of a magical adventure story, however…
Fra$14.95 -
You Are Excellent
“You Are Excellent” builds up the sense of self-worth and confidence for children from ages 8-12 years. Your child will be enjoying a magical journey of adventure and fun, while receiving the positive mental training…
Fra$14.95 -
You are perfect
"You are perfect” Positive Mental Training for the younger child. Give your child a happy and positive experience while building the foundation for a lasting sense of satisfaction and joy. Help your child to learn to think positively from the start.
Fra$14.95 -
You are great!
"You are great!” is for children from around 3 to 7 years old. Your child will be listening to some fun enchanting stories; while at the same time, a mental training will be strengthening your child’s sense of self-confidence, self-esteem and the feeling of being loved.